The Community Health Internship Program is a summer intensive community-based experience for health profession students.
Community Health Internship Program (CHIP)
The Seminar Series addresses the root causes of many of today's public health issues and develops strategies to address them.
Seminar Series
The Community Health Rotation offers an interdisciplinary experience providing advanced students the opportunity to become more skilled in collaborative community clinical service for underserved populations.
Community Health Rotation
(Philadelphia only)
Students who complete all three components
of the Bridging the Gaps Program graduate
from their schools or universities as a
Bridging the Gaps Community Scholar.
1. Completion of Community Health Internship Program (BTG CHIP)
2. Attendance at six BTG Seminars. For schedule and topics, click here.
3. Completion of a BTG Community Health Rotation at one of the BTG clinical sites: (community health rotation)
American Heart Association
Covenant House
HMS School
Prevention Point
Philadelphia FIGHT