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Thursday, October 21, 2021

9 AM - 11:30 AM

Via Zoom 

Participation is FREE!!

Join Bridging the Gaps network and keynote speaker Dr. Ala Stanford, Founder & CEO of the Black Doctors COVID-19 Consortium, for an information-packed morning of discussion with individuals promoting health and well-being in urban communities. 


9 - 11:30 AM


Student Interns

Community Partners

Keynote Address

Ala Stanford, MD
Founder & CEO of the Black Doctors COVID-19 Consortium
2021 Bridging the Gaps Awardee


BTG Alumni Advisory Committee Representatives


*Registered attendees will be emailed the 2021 BTG Symposium Zoom link and invited to view the Virtual Poster Session and Student-Created Resources a few days prior to the event.

Alarmed by the disproportionate number of African Americans becoming sick and dying from the novel coronavirus, Dr. Ala Stanford took to the Philadelphia streets, establishing the Black Doctors COVID-19 Consortium (BDCC) to provide education and barrier-free testing and vaccinations in the city’s at-risk Black communities. A practicing physician and pediatric surgeon, Dr. Stanford also serves on the Philadelphia COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Committee and as a medical correspondent for local and national news outlets. Among many other honors for her advocacy, Dr. Stanford was named a CNN Hero in 2021. 

Special Thanks


BTG Program Support 

Participating Academic Health Centers/Universities
Cooper Medical School of Rowan University, DeSales University, Drexel University, Marywood University, Moravian College, Temple University, Thomas Jefferson University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Pittsburgh.

For information, contact Ellen Martinak

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